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Version History

The current version of Sonic: Lock & Load is v1.4 "Horizons", part of Season 1: Chaos.

Sonic: Lock & Load follows a variant of Semantic Versioning, where instead of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH it uses SEASON.RELEASE.UPDATE.

Seasons are game overhauls or enormous content updates. Releases are large updates which add a lot of features and content. Updates are used for minor feature additions, refinements and bug fixes.

Includes major releases only. v1.1 and v1.2 are not included because they're essentially updates to v1.0.

Season 1: Chaos

Chaos focuses on Sonic: Lock & Load's formative development cycle, building on top of DOOM II up until the point where independence can be achieved.

Version v1.4 "Horizons"

Surge Through the Horizons.

Sonic: Lock & Load v1.4 “Horizons” is a major update, bringing new levels, new techniques, refinements to the changes made in v1.3.3 and major changes to the gameplay and Sonic: Lock & Load’s fundamentals.

Additionally, I had some troubles with SFGHQ and SAGE 2022, resulting in me making a "Final Final Demo". You can read about the development history and struggles here.

Version v1.3.3

Sonic: Lock & Load v1.3.3 is a minor update, containing some changes to the game's fundamentals and balancing.

Version v1.3.2

Sonic: Lock & Load v1.3.2 is a semi-minor update.

Version v1.3.1

Sonic: Lock & Load v1.3.1 is a minor update involving mostly bug fixes.

Version v1.3

Finally, a REAL update!

Sonic: Lock & Load v1.3 (which can be considered the real v1.1 but we won't get into that) adds an all-new Green Hill, a redesigned Station Square, new abilities and way more.

We're getting closer and closer to SRB3...

Well, what are you waiting for? Download it now and experience the next level! ... Whatever that means.

This is normally the part where the changelog would go, but it's massive, and I'm lazy, so... just go to the GitHub release page.

Version v1.2

Like with v1.1, this is basically v1.0.2.

Version v1.1

This is basically v1.0.1. Man, I wish I knew about proper semantic versioning when I released this...

Version v1.0

It's been a long, rough road, but we're finally here.
The long-awaited first release for Sonic: Lock & Load, the Chaos Update, is finally out!
So without further ado... Welcome to the next level.

The Chaos Update is a turning point for Sonic: Lock & Load, becoming more than a simple DOOM mod some bored guy threw together after watching Peter Knetter videos.

Full changelog

Season 0: Legacy

This is technically the first season of Sonic: Lock & Load/Sonic the Hedgehog in DOOM, representing the stages of development where I was still getting used to DOOM modding. These releases laid the groundwork for the subsequent Season 1, which is the first proper season.

It's named "Legacy" because the version number is 0, and because of Sonic the Hedgehog in DOOM: Legacy Edition's retroactive creation.

Dark Update (v0.9)

Sonic: Lock & Load's Dark Update adds Shadow the Hedgehog! It's time to go and find that damn FOURTH Chaos Emerald!

Rose Update (v0.8)

Oh boy! The Rose Update! This is probably the greatest addition to the mod in ages.

This update marks the project's name change from 'Sonic the Hedgehog in DOOM' to 'Sonic: Lock & Load'.

This was done:

Here's the changes:

Ascension Update (v0.7)

Sonic the Hedgehog in DOOM's Ascension Update grants Sonic a revamped Boost that lets him ascend! (hence the title)

Eclipse Update (v0.6)

Knight of the Wind Update (v0.5)

Version v0.4

Version v0.3

Includes a new custom HUD, heavier focus on melee combat and a new tutorial.

Version v0.2

This release has more DOOM II support over the previous release.

Version v0.1

This is the first in-development release of Sonic the Hedgehog in DOOM.